Restorative Circles that Respond to Student Conduct

Restorative Practices describe an approach to addressing conflict and wrongdoing, through the lens of accountability, relationship, repair and community. A restorative process emphasize the importance of involving those most affected in any given situation to share what is needed to make things right.

A student who is referred to the Dean of Students Office for misconduct is evaluated for appropriateness for a restorative response. Determining eligibility occurs while reviewing the referral, consulting with those impacted, and completing an intake with the responsible student. If parties are willing to participate, a restorative circle is scheduled and focuses on meaningful accountability, reengagement with the classroom/community, and repairing the harm.

How does a Restorative Circle work?

RJ Circle Process Steps by Elise Krumholz

Contact the Dean of Students Office

Questions about Restorative Circles?

If you are a students, instructor, or staff member, please reach out to learn more about the process!

DOS Staff List

Office: Tivoli 343

Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 303-615-0220


Location: 900 Auraria Parkway | Tivoli Student Union